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Lakeshore425 DSP高斯计

发布时间:2020-09-24 00:30:32点击量:


 美国Lakeshore公司生产的高斯计/特斯拉计是美国的一种工业标准,在世界范围内有广泛的客户,Lakeshore高斯计主要型号有:410型高斯计/特斯拉计是一种手持式高斯计,它以轻巧方便、测量精确和多种功能深受用户青睐;421型高斯计/特斯拉计是LakeShore为适应永磁工业的动态变化而设计的;425型高斯计/特斯拉计是LakeShore为适应永磁工业的动态变化而设计的,逐渐替代421型高斯计;455型高斯计/特斯拉计号是一款采用先进数字信号处理技术,价格适中的台式高斯计;460型三通道霍尔效应高斯计可以同时进行三轴测量并计算磁场或者3个单轴同时测量; 475高斯计/特斯拉计除了具有455高斯计所有的功能之外,还增加了峰值捕捉、温度显示、频率显示、报警延迟、磁场控制等功能。各种不同型号可以测量直流磁场,交流磁场,脉冲磁场,低频交流磁场等。它们带有的探头都可以互换。
Designed to meet the demanding needs of the permanent magnet industry,  the Lake Shore Model 425 gaussmeter provides high end functionality and  performance in an affordable desktop instrument. Magnet testing and  sorting have never been easier. When used in combination with the built  in relay and audible alarm features, the Model 425 takes the guesswork  out of pass/fail criteria. Additional features including DC to 10 kHz AC frequency response, max hold and relative measurement make the Model  425 the ideal tool for your manufacturing, quality control and R&D  flux density measurement applications. For added functionality and  value, the Model 425 also includes a standard Lake Shore Hall probe. Put the Model 425 gaussmeter to use with confidence knowing it’s supported  by the industry leading experts in magnet measurement instrument, sensor and Hall probe technology.

Model 425 Features 425高斯计功能

  • Field ranges from 350 mG to 350 kG

  • DC measurement resolution to 4¾ digits (1 part of ±35,000)

  • Basic DC accuracy of ±0.20%

  • DC to 10 kHz AC frequency

  • USB interface

  • Large liquid crystal display

  • Sort function (displays pass/fail message)

  • Alarm with relay

  • Standard probe included

  • Standard and custom probes available

General Measurement 425高斯计测试

Input type: Single Hall effect sensor
           Maximum update rate: 30 rdg/s
           Probe features: Linearity compensation, probe zero, and hot swap
           Measurement features: Autorange, max hold, relative mode, and filter

Probe connector: 15-pin D-sub socket

DC Measurement 425高斯计直流测试


Measurement resolution (RMS noise floor): Indicated by value in above table for shorted input
Display resolution: Indicated by number of digits in above table

DC accuracy: ±0.20% of reading ±0.05% of range

DC temperature coefficient: -0.01% of reading -0.003% of range/°C

DC filter: 16-point moving average

AC Measurement  425高斯计交流测试
Lakeshore425 DSP高斯计(图2)

Measurement resolution (RMS noise floor): Indicated by value in above table, measured at mid-scale range
Display resolution: Indicated by number of digits in above table


AC temperature coefficient: ±0.01% of reading ±0.006% of range/°C

地址:上海市嘉定南翔工业区惠申路68号南门一栋一楼 邮编:201802  电话:138-1704-5024  .
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